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COMBIBOARD | Whiteboard + Corkboard | Aluminium Frame

Regular price $143.07 inc GST
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Our premium quality porcelain whiteboard is combined with a durable corkboard in one convenient package. The porcelain magnetic surface is not only highly durable and scratch-resistant, but it is also ideal for digital projectors. Made from a specialised ceramic layer fused onto steel, the whiteboard has a lifetime surface guarantee.

The natural cork pinboard will blend in effortlessly with your office or home décor.

Our durable, versatile Combiboard gives you the freedom to use it in any way you like. Use it to pin up important notes, brainstorm ideas at work or share new initiatives with colleagues. Why not unleash your creativity and create a vision board by pinning up jewels, magazine cut-outs, and art prints? Or use the whiteboard for to-do lists or planning your day or week.

The board is protected from damage to the edges by a sturdy, lightweight aluminium frame that is easy to mount on any surface.


Our Combiboard has half whiteboard + half corkboard

  • Porcelain whiteboard
    • Easy to write on and easy to wipe clean
    • It gives a smooth, durable surface
    • Cannot be scratched or stained with normal use
    • Magnetic (magnets will stick to it)
    • lifetime surface warranty
  • Durable, long-lasting corkboard
    • Premium cork bonded to 12mm thick softboard (compressed wood fibre)
    • Excellent pinning surface - great for pins and staples
  • A sturdy aluminium frame protects the board from damage to the edges
    • Can be hung on the wall in any orientation
    • Portrait or landscape
    • Whiteboard on left or right, top or bottom
  • Assembled in our NZ factory from imported and local materials
  • Lightweight yet sturdy
  • Each board comes with
    • Mounting kit and instructions
    • 20 push pins
    • 6x 20mm magnets
    • Short pen tray (varies according to board size)

This product is made-to-order with a 7-10 day lead time.

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