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Bio-No Rinse

Regular price $32.20 inc GST
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No-rinse floor cleaner for heavy soiling on flooring areas, utilising the natural power of non-pathogenic microbes to penetrate food soiling, oils & animal based fats & waste.

• Maintains clean, odour-free floors

• Keeps on working after application

• Less work required

• Harnessing the power of Nature

• Naturally biodegradable


Floor Cleaning
  1. Dilute at 1-2% solution (1:99 to 1:49, 10-20 ml or 2-4 tsp per 1 litre) with warm or cold fresh tap water.
  2. Mop over and squeegee off, leaving a layer of product to allow enzymes to continue working.
  3. Ensure there is an even distribution of product and leave.
  4. Repeat daily for 2 weeks, or until floors are at their desired level of clean, then maintain (at the lowest suitable dilution rate) as required.
Stubborn Stained Areas
  1. Dilute to 10% solution (1:9, 100 ml or 2/5 cup per 1 litre) with cold fresh tap water
  2. Use a foaming spray head to surfaces to reduce odours and to breakdown soiling.
  3. Once rinsed surfaces can be foam-sprayed again and left. This will help reduce future soiling and make subsequent cleaning easier.
Concrete Areas
  1. Sluice the area with a 5% solution (1:20, 50 ml or 1/5 cup per 1 litre) diluted with warm or cold fresh tap water.
  2. For other areas such as walls, stairs, rubbish bins and ramps where organic soiling can accumulate, allowing to soak in for as long as possible.
  3. Agitate with broom to help dislodge gross soiling.
  4. Rinse to finish deep cleaning and leave an applied layer of 1-2% solution (1:99 to 1:49, 10-20 ml or 2-4 tsp per 1 litre) over the area and leave.

Food Plants: Bio-Fresh products are designed to rid areas of typical plate count problems; floor and other wider environmental areas are not likely to have swabs/plate count results compromised. All MPI facility-based operators should rinse prior to swabbing.

Naturally occurring non-pathogenic microbes break down soiling on floors, saving hours of hard labour and excessive water use!

MPI Approved C32

(All Animal Product Except Dairy)


1 Litre: FK-BIONR01
5 Litres: FK-BIONR05
20 Litres: FK-BIONR20



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