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Commercial Fridges

At Cafe Supply, we recognize the importance of commercial fridges to the food quality and safety of food service companies. For that reasons, glass door, two-door, three-door, and four-door are our specialities to help customers meet their operational requirements.

Glass door fridges are perfect for drinks and other easily perishable foods as there is clear viewing for the customers, and double glass door allows for easy stock management and student access. Our two-door, three-door and four-door fridges provide a good storage space required for kitchens that are large or require a lot of storage and makes it easy to organize the ingredients in a way that makes them easily accessible during busy hours.

Upright fridges allows the customers to ensure that they have maximize on the vertical space in their small kitchens, while our bench fridges offers the customers with a perfect working area while refrigerating their foods. These units are constructed in such a way that they are hardy and energy saving, a requirement of this busy generation.

Free-standing Fridges Freestanding fridges are our portable fridges that make it possible for you to create any kitchen layout you want with enjoying the endurance and mobility of our fridges. Regardless of the requirement for a small fridge or for a large refrigerator capacity, our list ensures that the unit always is selected to fit your food storage needs and the overall organizational needs of the kitchen.

Cafe Supply aims solely at offering the best commercial fridges that shall last long while making your business thrive. Explore our wide range today!

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